Braintree Management
In this article, you will find procedures and information to help guide the process of administering Braintree in Brokerage Engine Accounting. Please find the available resources below.
Quick Reference:
Verify Connected Bank Account
Link to Full Step-by-Step Guide
Reconcile Braintree Deposits
Braintree funds received in your bank account, and your bank credit charges can be automatically selected and deposited using the following steps:
Link to Full Step-by-Step Guide
Reconcile Deposits from Undeposited Funds
Braintree funds received in your bank account, and your bank credit charges, can be calculated and deposited, from Undeposited Funds, using the following steps:
Link to Full Step-by-Step Guide
Generate a Failed Braintree Payments Report
Link to Full Step-by-Step Guide
Payment Reconciliation using the Transaction-Level Fee Report
Link to Full Step-by-Step Guide