Under Contract Forecast Report
In this article, we'll cover how to locate and use the Under Contract Forecast Report. This is one of the most utilized reports within the system. Please find the available resources below.
Permission Level: Admin + Billing
Report Details:
- This report is designed to provide a detailed forecast for current closings within the system at the transaction level.
- This report is based on Estimated Close Date.
- Metrics captured on Report:
- Transaction Count (Not side count. Meaning it is counting how many transactions, not how many sides of a transaction is represented.)
- Total Sales in Volume (Based on Sales price of Transaction, not Volume allocation at agent level)
- Gross Commission Income (GCI before Referrals)
- Adjusted Gross Commission Income (GCI after Referrals)
- Total Agent Net Amount
- Total Referrals (External Referrals off the top)
- Total Brokerage Gross Amount
- Total Brokerage Net Amount
- Ability to select desired time frame
- If running report in past, report will breakdown metrics as 'Closed' on top reporting widgets
- Can filter by offices or group multiple offices together, including all offices
- Ability to filter transaction to include/exclude certain transaction tags
- Ability to export to csv/excel
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