Close Entity Ranking Report
In this article, we'll cover how to locate and use the Close Entity Ranking Report. This report is designed to provide a snapshot of what title Companies, Escrow Companies, Attorneys, or Mortgage Companies are most utilized.
Permission Level: Admin
Report Details:
- This report ranks the Closing entity type by the following metrics for the selected:
- Total Transaction Count
- Total Side Count
- Total Volume (based on Sales price)
- Gross Commission Income (GCI before Referrals)
- Ability to Toggle from Title or Mortgage
- Note: Title could also be Escrow companies or Attorney offices if you had this configuration updated on the transaction page
- Can filter by offices or group multiple offices together, including all offices
- Ability to export to CSV/excel
Important Notes:
- Title could also be Escrow companies or Attorney offices if you had this configuration updated on the transaction page
- Only Closing entities selected from the address book will populate on report. If a user manually enters in 'Read-Only' company information, that will not count towards this report.
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